・ 圧倒的な低挿入損失と低PDL
・ フラットトップ 透過スペクトル
・ シャープ・フィルターエッジロールオフ
・ 高光パワーハンドリング
・ 最大120nmまでの波長調整範囲
・ X-, O-, S-, C-, L-バンドの波長帯
・ 高アウトバンド抑圧
Example: Transmission Spectrum of 5.0nm Flat-Top Tunable Filter over 1260-1340nm(PDF)
A. Version type: S is for S- version, P is for P- version and P is for U- version
B. Center wavelength in nanometer: 1550 is for 1550nm center wavelength and 1310 is for 1310nm center wavelength.
C. Tuning wavelength range in nanometer: 80 is for 80nm tuning range and 100 is for 100nm tuning wavelength range.
D. FWHM bandwidth in nanometer: 3.5 is for 3.5nm FWHM bandwidth.
E. Fibre type: SM for single mode fiber and PM for Panda polarization maintaining fibre, or others such as LMA or PLMA
F. Pigtail cable diameter in millimeter: 0.25 is for 250?m OD buffer fiber, 0.9 is for 900?m OD loose tube and 3.0 is for 3.0mm OD cable (only existing for pigtail version).
G. Pigtail length in meter: 0.5 is for 0.5m long and 1.0 is for 1M long (only existing for pigtail version).
H. Connector type of either pigtail termination or receptacle adapter, such as FC/APC, FC/UPC SC/APC or LU/UPC and 00 is for no connector.
I. Interface type: USB is for USB interface, I2C is for I2C interface and SPI is for SPI interface (electric version only).